Thursday, February 26, 2009

The Secrets of Love

Wow! The secrets of love, the idea of knowing the secrets of love goes hand and hand with being a liar. Anybody who tells you that they know "the secrets of love" is probably the biggest liar you know. We can't know the secrets of love or how Love works. However, we can read the symposium in hopes to get some insight, but even the old men (claiming to know all the tricks of Love) don't fully understand love even though they certainly seem to think they do. Part of moving up the rungs of the latter comes with age, I'm slowly starting to learn this as I'm getting older and slowing down. (I'm not saying I'm old) I can't help but find that the most helpful insight, in the syposium, is from a woman. If you want to learn about women, listen to them! Maybe that's why Socrate knows so much, because he listens very well.

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